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The words we choose with unbelievers matter. Our social media posts and our conversations at work and with family describe how we see our relationship with God. The unbeliever is listening.

What if our words don't line up with Jesus' words?

What if we are miss-communicating?

What if we are telling truths that Jesus only meant for disciples?


Ears to Hear

Jesus spoke to ears that could hear. He carefully choose his words when unbelievers were in his audience. When the disciples had Jesus alone and asked him what he meant, Jesus would use much more candid language.




We aren't certain. We can be sure he had a reason, though. And since he asks us to follow him, wouldn't it be fruitful to speak to unbelievers in the same manor as Christ?

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Sin Forward vs. Faith Forward

The words we commonly use to describe our faith were developed using a 'Sin Forward' view of the Bible, represented by "The wages of sin is death." Rom 6:23.


Whereas Jesus spoke to unbelievers in a 'Faith Forward' manor, represented by "Your faith has saved you. Go in peace." Luke 7:50

Like Scales Over Eyes

Sin Forward lenses color every scripture in a different tone than Faith Forward lenses. Both viewpoints are biblical, based in scripture. Yet, Jesus chose to speak to unbelievers in a Faith Forward manor. Why?


Our Sin Forward manor of speaking has developed statements that, over time, have grown into myths that are opposed to Jesus' words/actions to unbelievers. They are grounded in truth, but still don't fit Jesus, It's yielded confusion. For the unbeliever and the Christian.


Example: "Your sin separates you from God." As Christians, we know this is true. Yet, Jesus did the opposite, proving the Pharisees wrong, eating with, healing, feeding, teaching, loving, and weeping over the sinners.

Can we talk about this?

It's time to explore how we speak to unbelievers. Jesus is the Way.

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I've got questions...

I was an anti-Christian for fifty years. I didn't like "church people." I saw judgment, self-righteousness, and simple-minded hypocrisy. I heard people tell me on the street corner, at my door, and even in my office that I was a sinner going to hell. At times it was worse: despite not knowing me, they told me I wanted to sin, that I was too disgusting to be around God and headed for eternal torture if I didn't join their religion. I determined to NEVER be a Christian.


Years later, when I finally read the Bible for myself and fell in love with God, I became an ardent proclaimer of "Don't wait to read the Bible! This life is great!" The Word of God saved me, it's my life!


Eventually, I turned my geek-ness to finding the basis for all the phrases I previously disliked as an unbeliever. Why, I wondered, had I never heard all the good news of being a believer?


My research into the scripture reveals no new doctrine. The process of salvation is as we all know. Said differently, the gospel is the gospel. But how the gospel is communicated and unfolds in the unbelievers life is what I'd like to discuss. I believe you will be encouraged.


So Here Are My questions...

I'll be blogging and speaking about these questions and more...

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